It has taken me nearly three weeks to finish this post – phew. Here we are in November and closing in on Thanksgiving. October went by this year at a frenetic pace, and with some unseasonably warm days. As I began to write this post on November 1st, it was 77-degrees out. It was so nice to be able to wander without wearing multiple layers, or paying a heating bill. On the other hand, Iwas ready to switch to the cold weather wardrobe and enjoy some comfort food. It feels now, three weeks later that the weather is finally changed.
Sunrise on an impromptu camping weekend |
And it's compliment... |
Frost Pears |
The girls and I have been reading up a storm lately. We've just about worn the cover off of
Wolfie the Bunny. And we also were lent a copy of a
Captain Underpants book. And that was an even bigger hit. And how could it not be... with characters called "Professor Poopypants" and a name conversion guide that designated my girls as Falafel and Oprah Bubblechunks. So funny. They giggled and giggled. We are entering the era when any kind of bodily function association is wildly funny. Beware the Halloween jokes... I won't burden you with them here.
Bookish |
Halloween was fun. Our inadvertent theme was "spots" this year. We repurposed a jaguar costume for the peanut, and the small fry was a dalmatian. They ran and ran and ran. House to house, telling jokes and ogling the neighborhood Halloween decor. We carved pumpkins that my parents grew from seed and made sugar cookies. It was a successful holiday.
On the making front, things have been a little slower. I've been spinning a bit, and slowly chipping away on a couple knitting projects. The big excitement is that I'm planning to attempt an Alabama Chanin-style project in a week or so with my dear Jen. We've got several yards of jersey cotton, Natalie Chanin's book, and a load of ambition. We'll see if we emerge with anything wearable... I'll be sure to post back here, even if the end result is a large t-shirt-turned-potholder. Cross your fingers for us.
Nest Fibers – Falkland Wool |