Week Three of Pages and Paint was a total blur. I had another business trip smack in the middle of the week, and I couldn't seem to get my act together before or after that. So I did cram in a little time over the weekend and came up with one sort of cutesy tiny canvas. This is it (no drumroll necessary); this baby is a mere 4- by 4-inches in size. I'm thinking that it might make a good wall hanging in the doll house that the Small Fry is going to inherit. (She hasn't actually inherited it yet, because I'm not sure she wouldn't just dismantle it entirely... so we're waiting on that one.)
Buttons - Tiny Buttons |
The fun thing is that I started with the paint and after it dried I was planning to add some of the details in pen. My mind saw three moons. And I was headed off in a direction totally different than what you see above. But my girl took one look and said "Buttons". And so we went with it.
I think she was right. All these round shapes are buttons. Shirt buttons, yellow buttons, and tiny blue baby buttons. What a fun surprise.
The other exercise we did was a Two-Minute-Prompt game. Sarah designed it to help launch us into the painting territory. It was a little painful, but a success in the sense that I am now a little more comfortable with the acrylic paints.
Sarah had sent to us about a dozen prompts or directions and we were asked to start with a fresh board and a palette of color and a timer. Then at each two minute mark we had to draw a new prompt and follow the directions. The prompts were things like "paint with white paint", "use a stencil", "add a collage element" or "paint with your eyes closed". It was a little hard for me to loosen up and just go with the flow and I found out that two minutes isn't a whole lot of time.
This is what I came up with. It's messy and devoid of a theme or any compelling composition, but it was a fun exercise and was a good way to relieve some of the angst that comes with using new media.
Painting prompts game |
So, we're currently in Week Four and I'm desperately trying to generate something nice that looks finished before this workshop comes to a close. So stay tuned for more acrylic experimentation and hopefully some new knitting.