Wednesday, July 11, 2012

February in July

It has been so hot here that we've been breaking record high temperatures. I only wish we could have a day or two of February weather... or at least an average of that and this. The only good way to enjoy the outdoors is to do so early in the morning or involve water somehow (and preferably not just the humidity-variety.) We cooled it at the pool on Independence Day, we run our errands en route to or from work and we've been watering the yard and garden like crazy in an effort to keep things alive, at least.

The advantage of all this indoor-ness is a spike in my creative productivity. I'm working on an Elizabeth Zimmerman February baby sweater. This is actually the third one I have knit; I love the pattern and finished product so much. The construction is simple and elegant. The lace pattern is easy to remember after the first few repeats and the finished garment is just darling. I think my favorite feature is the garter stitch yoke, button bands, cuffs and hem. It's the perfect compliment to the lace and adds just the right amount of heft to the garment to keep it from being fussy. This version is knit with Louet Gems fingering weight. The color is called Goldilocks; and it's been in my yarn stash forever. (Points for me for not using this as justification for buying more yarn...)

Baby Sweater on Two Needles

I had on hand a yard of floral print cotton that is pretty and reminds me, in a way, of a Liberty print. It does go perfectly with the yarn and I hope to make a dress to go with this little sweater. So in lieu of buying buttons and in anticipation of sewing a dress to match, I've covered buttons in that fabric.

All a work in progress

All of this is done in preparation for a new cousin. (The child of a first cousin is a second cousin right?) I can't wait to meet her... her parents are lovely and I think she will be given my grandmother's name, given those two things, I'm confident that she'll be nothing less than amazing. Until I have photos of both the dress and sweater, I'll leave you with some work in progress shots. If you're interested in the previous two EZ February baby sweaters, they are raveled here and here. Stay cool!


  1. Oh my goodness!!!!!! This is just darling. What a lucky cousin!!!!

  2. I was thinking of making one of these sweaters for my daughter; I love the yellow BTW! It is beautiful. Child of a cousin is a first cousin once removed. Your parent's cousins are second cousins... I know too much about this.
